Multi Academy Trust Student Reporting2025-01-17T15:15:58+00:00

Multi-Academy Trusts

Centralised, on demand data of your full student experience across your schools

Centralised, on demand data of your full student experience across your schools

Contextual safeguarding, student reporting tool preview on mobile devices for Multi-academy trusts (MATs)

As adults, we have all experienced the difficulty of disclosing something uncomfortable, even to our trusted friends, and especially face to face.

Unfortunately, this is why many people stay silent.

Research has shown that for young people, the social rules that govern their lives (Dr Carlene Firmin, 2017) can make coming forward even harder.

We can, however, start the conversation by providing young people with a safe space to speak up. Now we ask…

Are the current student reporting methods engaging them as much as they could be?

Introducing the student focused platform…

Designed to remove the fear and stigma attached to reporting issues; The Student Voice is an interactive and child-friendly reporting tool that utilises interactive maps of all the contexts that your young people spend time in, so your school or college can improve these spaces with more targeted and effective interventions, and ultimately prevent future harm.

Whether a young person travels on the bus with peers, sees issues happening in the local park, or has a quiet and safe space they prefer in school, students can rank how safe they feel using a universal traffic light system, and report their experiences in these contexts.

Enable students to report their experiences across every context

Contextual safeguarding for schools


Contextual safeguarding for local areas to schools


Contextual safeguarding for students at home


How our multi-dimensional reporting enhances your safeguarding culture

Hotspot mapping & RAG rating

Hotspot Mapping & RAG Rating

Implement a Contextual Safeguarding approach with maps of your hotspot locations and RAG rating options to monitor issues, measure interventions and prevent future harm.

Ofsted and ISI guidance

Ofsted / ISI

Carefully thought out methods of anonymous and confidential reporting to reduce barriers, provide better outcomes, and meet Ofsted guidance.

All through contextual safeguarding

All through (5-18)

Provide your Multi Academy Trust with all-through community safeguarding and teach young people how to use their voice.

Information sharing in schools

Information Sharing & Continuum of data

Streamline safeguarding information and work more effectively together by gathering vital reports on hotspot areas, times of day these incidents occur, and what age or year groups are experiencing this.

What school, MAT and Local Authority decision makers say

Local Authority Champion Young Voices

The London Borough Of Havering, 20+ schools.

Proactively working with the Police

Rugby Free Secondary, Assistant Headteacher and DSL

Good governance and centralising data to identify patterns and trends

Stowe Valley MAT, 11 schools.

Find where and when disruption repeatedly happens and being pupil led

Creative Education Trust, 17 Schools

Gather and share community insight

  • Gather insight on contextual issues in local parks, shopping centres, towns, and on public transport

  • Encourage information sharing of community issues and best practice across the MAT

  • Gather a continuum of live data to track patterns

  • Carefully thought-out anonymous and confidential reporting options
  • Accessible in their own time, via any device

Case study

Ofsted logo

from inadequate to good

“Leaders also introduced an online system for pupils to share their worries with staff.
Pupils are encouraged to share any concerns they have about returning to school.
Pupils value this and said that teachers respond to their concerns quickly.
This has helped to reduce some pupils’ anxieties about returning to school.”

Ofsted Inspection Report


Hear it from DSLs and Multi-Academy Trusts

“There are aspects of this platform that we can see making an immediate impact, such as the hotspot data tool where real physical locations of potential risks can be identified not just in school but across the wider community. We are excited to tackle student safeguarding as a community concern, not just a school concern.”

Jason Howard, Quality Assurance Director, Creative Education Trust.

“What has been really successful is students being able to engage, make suggestions and feel included as part of our school.

It ticks the contextual safeguarding box whether its issues inside or outside of school, and allows us to quickly intervene with situations, whether it’s something that has occurred online or on our buses.

Students are starting to share things we wouldn’t have heard of, or what we would have only felt the impact of through their behaviour in school. Now they feel like they have a place where they can vent their frustrations….it allows us to react faster and more effectively to our responsibilities around addressing peer-on-peer issues.”

Michael Few, Assistant Head and DSL at Kineton High School

“Safeguarding students, and capturing their voice is something we are passionate about. The Student Voice is a genuine effort to place the student at the centre of the Bilton school community, to provide them with opportunities for true advocacy through authentic voice and to challenge them to play their part in the development of their school life.”

Louis Donald, Director of Safeguarding, Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust

“We have been struggling to engage with a particular student for quite a few months. We launched The Student Voice this week, promoting it to our students as a safe space for them to voice anything that is concerning them and that we want to hear from them. We are very pleased to say that within the first few days, the student used the system to articulate their worries and what support they feel could help them.

The Student Voice has provided an invaluable safe space for our students to feel comfortable to communicate with us.”

Amy Eagleton, Designated Safeguarding Lead at Moor End Academy

“This is a fantastic resource – child-friendly and simple to use. It covers in-school, surrounding areas and home…It creates a proactive approach to reporting and understands the barriers children face in trusting the reporting system.”

Ann Marie Christian, Safeguarding and Child Protection Expert

“The first step to protecting students is listening to their experiences of where they feel safe and unsafe at school. The Student Voice tool supports schools to put Contextual Safeguarding into action.”

Dr Jenny Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow, Contextual Safeguarding Network at Durham University

Explore our tools:

Contextual safeguarding tool for secondary schools, The Student Voice


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What is The Student Voice?

Maximise your protective capacity

Safe communities safeguard futures.

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