Heat Mapping & RAG Rating – Contextual Safeguarding in action

Above is a snippet from our recent webinar ‘Contextual Safeguarding, Extra-Familial Harm and the role of pupil voice’

How schools are preventing future harm and saving DSLs time
with our digital heat mapping tool

“We have been struggling to engage with a particular student for quite a few months. We launched The Student Voice this week, promoting it to our students as a safe space for them to voice anything that is concerning them and that we want to hear from them. We are very pleased to say that within the first few days, the student used the system to articulate their worries and what support they feel could help them…The Student Voice has provided an invaluable safe space for our students to feel comfortable to communicate with us.”

Amy Eagleton, Designated Safeguarding Lead at Moor End Academy

It ticks the contextual safeguarding box whether its issues inside or outside of school, and allows us to quickly intervene with situations, whether it’s something that has occurred online or on our buses.

Students are starting to share things we wouldn’t have heard of, or what we would have only felt the impact of through their behaviour in school…It allows us to react faster and more effectively to our responsibilities around addressing peer-on-peer issues.

Michael Few, Assistant Head and DSL at Kineton High School

“There are aspects of this platform that we can see making an immediate impact, such as the hotspot data tool where real physical locations of potential risks can be identified not just in school but across the wider community. We are excited to tackle student safeguarding as a community concern, not just a school concern.”

Jason Howard, Quality Assurance Director, Creative Education Trust

“This is a fantastic resource – child-friendly and simple to use. It covers in-school, surrounding areas and home…It creates a proactive approach to reporting and understands the barriers children face in trusting the reporting system.”

Ann Marie Christian, Safeguarding and Child Protection Expert

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Would you like to hear more about The Student Voice tools?

Are you interested in our Contextual Safeguarding training package?

Adolescent safeguarding, incorporating extra-familial harm and contextual safeguarding approaches, alongside the effective implementation of The Student Voice Platform. This special offer includes one day of tailored Contextual Safeguarding training for your setting, and one year of The Student Voice system.

To benefit from this offer, please express interest by 31st March 2023.