Contextual Safeguarding

Engaging & preventative
student hotspot reporting

Engaging & preventative
student hotspot reporting

Capture live contextual insight from your students for faster,
more effective interventions

Are you a

Designated Safeguarding Lead / SLT

Designated Safeguarding Lead / SLT

Are you a

Director of Safeguarding / CEO

Director of Safeguarding / CEO

Built with continuous input from students, DSLs, and industry safeguarding experts;
our child-centred, interactive safeguarding tool helps schools to effectively:

  • Reduce barriers to reporting

  • Build a culture of information sharing and early intervention

  • Implement a contextual safeguarding approach

  • Intercept issues and prevent future harm


Students are able to report their experiences at multiple locations

Contextual safeguarding within school

on school campus

Contextual safeguarding within surrounding areas

on local areas and towns

Contextual safeguarding at home and online

home and online

Have you heard of contextual safeguarding but you
aren’t sure how it fits in your education setting?

What people have said…

“Thank you – a more in-depth look at this area which I found most interesting.”

“Thank you very much for this valuable session. It was well presented, the slides were clear and are useful and the presenters offered insight into an important topic that was applicable to a whole range of settings and services. I particularly liked the practical suggestions such as heat mapping and the case studies discussed.”

“Great opportunity to learn and hear practical ways that contextualized safeguarding is incorporated into community settings. Excellent information and best practice shared. Would definitely recommend to anyone working alongside young people.”
Barnardo's Counter Trafficking / Modern Slavery Team
“I attended yesterday and found it brilliant. Well done Helena, good information shared which I reasonated with a lot. I am a promoter of Prof Firmins work and supported the first contextual safeguarding pilot in Hackney many year ago. Around that time practitioners like myself witnessed the power of contextual safeguarding. School nurses working with librarians to a plain clothes police officers in the local McDonalds engaging with the known vulnerable, and exploited children. It was evidence of how collaborative work at all levels is essential and the need for professional to communicate effectively with the focus of the child at the centre.”
“Thank you -very beneficial”
“Thank you! Really good information and thought-provoking in terms of the safeguarding interventions for places rather than people.”


Safeguarding your school community in action


Safeguarding schools

“Respect underpins all we do at Bishop’s and the introduction of The Student Voice will enable us to hear, respond and respect the voice of all students, particularly those who are less comfortable talking directly to an adult. This discreet and accessible reporting tool will ensure that we hear the voice of every child, so that we may continue to provide the safest and happiest of environments for the whole school community.”

Jemima Edney, Deputy Head and DSL at Bishop Wordsworth’s Grammar School

“We have a culture of vigilance and protection which supports every member of our school community. It is of the utmost importance to us that all the individuals in our school community feel cared for and supported, so they can achieve their very best potential. This online reporting system will ensure any concerns or disclosures are dealt with promptly and effectively.”

Caroline Smith, Deputy Head and DSL at Wyvern St Edmund's

“The Student Voice has been a fantastic addition to our student portal, allowing our students to flag up any issues in their infancy.

It has been lovely to receive some really positive feedback for certain members of teaching staff too! The reporting tool makes it easy to run reports and to look at trends, not only in our school community but in the wider community too.

Our approach to contextual safeguarding has really improved and we have been able to pass on any wider community concerns to the neighbouring school in our town. I would highly recommend The Student Voice. It really is an impressive piece of software and the students love it as it is extremely user friendly.”

Rachel Rees, Senior Deputy Head Pastoral at Haberdashers’ Monmouth

“We have been struggling to engage with a particular student for quite a few months. We launched The Student Voice this week, promoting it to our students as a safe space for them to voice anything that is concerning them and that we want to hear from them. We are very pleased to say that within the first few days, the student used the system to articulate their worries and what support they feel could help them.

The Student Voice has provided an invaluable safe space for our students to feel comfortable to communicate with us.”

Amy Eagleton, Designated Safeguarding Lead at Moor End Academy

“This is a fantastic resource – child-friendly and simple to use. It covers in-school, surrounding areas and home…It creates a proactive approach to reporting and understands the barriers children face in trusting the reporting system.”

Ann Marie Christian, Safeguarding and Child Protection Expert

“We have continually strived to cultivate a culture that stays current with the way our young people communicate. We want to ensure that every voice within our school is heard, and every student is given the best opportunity to thrive.”

Kait Weston, Deputy Head (Pastoral), Millfield School

“What has been really successful is students being able to engage, make suggestions and feel included as part of our school.

It ticks the contextual safeguarding box whether its issues inside or outside of school, and allows us to quickly intervene with situations, whether it’s something that has occurred online or on our buses.

Students are starting to share things we wouldn’t have heard of, or what we would have only felt the impact of through their behaviour in school. Now they feel like they have a place where they can vent their frustrations….it allows us to react faster and more effectively to our responsibilities around addressing peer-on-peer issues.”

Michael Few, Assistant Head and DSL at Kineton High School

“We are delighted to expand our collaboration with The Student Voice. It’s brilliant to offer our pupils more ways to share information with staff about how safe they feel at school and in the community. This initiative underscores our commitment to fostering an environment where our students can thrive and feel safe.”

Louis Donald, Director of Safeguarding, Creative Education Trust

“Safeguarding students, and capturing their voice is something we are passionate about. The Student Voice is a genuine effort to place the student at the centre of the Bilton school community, to provide them with opportunities for true advocacy through authentic voice and to challenge them to play their part in the development of their school life.”

Louis Donald, Director of Safeguarding, Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust

“The first step to protecting students is listening to their experiences of where they feel safe and unsafe at school. The Student Voice tool supports schools to put Contextual Safeguarding into action.”

Dr Jenny Lloyd, Senior Research Fellow, Contextual Safeguarding Network at Durham University

“There are aspects of this platform that we can see making an immediate impact, such as the hotspot data tool where real physical locations of potential risks can be identified not just in school but across the wider community. We are excited to tackle student safeguarding as a community concern, not just a school concern.”

Jason Howard, Quality Assurance Director, Creative Education Trust.

“The Student Voice has had an extremely positive effect on TASIS, The American International School in England, and my life as a DSL. We can prioritise feedback and intercept incidents effectively, assisting in our commitment to the safeguarding and wellbeing of all children that attend our school.”

Jason Tait, Director of Pastoral Care and Designated Safeguarding Lead, TASIS

“I’m thrilled to share the fantastic success story of our student reporting platform here at Orchard Primary School. Our students have felt a real ownership of the system, and feel valued, listened to and grown up using it. The Student Voice is very child-friendly and intuitive and has given us great insight into what is happening in our young learner’s lives. Everyone has picked it up very quickly and our students are much more confident using it than questionnaires. We’re so proud of our students who have had the courage to open up about what is worrying them regarding all sorts of issues, as well as grateful for all the positive feedback we’ve had about staff and the school. It’s also been a really effective education piece, as we’ve been able to feedback to the kids on how to use it responsibly and encourage them to play an active role in keeping our community safe.”

Danielle Fisher, DSL at Orchard Primary, part of South Pennine Academies


Designed with everyone in mind, by leading safeguarding experts.


“I had the confidence to report my experience on here because it was on my terms and easy to use”

Student Leaders

“I feel empowered being able to actively take part in keeping our school community safe”


“This platform enables us to listen to our students on their wave length”

School Leaders

“Extensive reporting helps to demonstrate where our interventions are effective and where we need to allocate resources.”


How can it help safeguarding teams?

Safeguarding Expertise

Built by schools for schools. DSLs, senior leaders, students and safeguarding experts have all contributed to the development of this tool to authentically reduce barriers to reporting.

Hotspot and RAG Ratings

Mapping of your hotspot locations and RAG rating options to monitor issues, measure interventions and prevent future harm.

DSL Training and PD Sessions

Onboarding training and personal development sessions with action plans set for implementation.

School Branded

Tailored to your school branding to encourage students to feel ownership over their platform.


We provide resources in your school branding to embed and enhance access to your students.

Ongoing support

We provide ongoing support via phone and email.

System Updates

Software maintenance, upgrades, hosting and new features to the platform are all included.


Secure information sharing across all schools


Choose a 20 minute demo slot

The Student Voice is a child-centred, preventative tool, addressing student concerns and promoting safe student communities in a simple and measurable way.

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